All information for living individuals is designated as private, and will therefore not be visible. If you are a close family member who would like to see living people, please register for a user account. User accounts will only be given to people within a couple of generations of the four core ancestors listed below.
The links on the left, and the pages below, provide many ways of accessing the information on the tree. But I'm always interested in hearing new ideas, or from any relatives. Please get in touch.
What this site contains
This site contains trees built around these four core ancestral lines:
- the ancestors of Metta Tomlinson (1913-2001) and her husband, John Lansdale, Jr. (1912-2003)
- the ancestors of Helen McLellan (1906-1999) and her husband, Gustave Pitard (1903-1988)
These links illustrate what's known of their ancestries for seven generations. You can discover the names of many wider relations by using the charting buttons at the top of any person's page.
Quaker Ancestors from Southern Maryland Quakers (also Friends) kept very good records, which means that their histories are very traceable. The Quaker meeting at West River is the origin of most families on this site. |
The Revolutionary WarThis is often provisional. This is especially complicated because many genealogies claim that ancestors served, though documentation can be scarce. I have put this up looking for suggestions if they are out there. Please get in touch if you can help. |
Quaker Ancestors from Pennsylvania This page tells about Quaker ancestors from south-eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware and of other families to which they descent. Most of these connect to Sadsbury Friends Meeting in Lancaster County. |
The Civil War Wars leave behind trauma, one result of which is the bond formed between soldiers. One measure of this--especially interesting for family history--is that the children of veterans often intermarry. This page lists more than 100 people for whom I have found Civil War records. |