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- Who were her ancestors? She appears on the Virginia Mysteries page.
Chalkley, 2.292 records that "Richard Trotter and Nancy Strain, widow" stood as surety for "Danl. Early" on November (?) 27, 1790.
Augusta Co. Land record:
D. Bk. 33-524, Mar. 29. 1804: Richard Trotter & Agnes his wife, Robert Strain, Jane Strain & Agnes Strain heirs of James Strain deceased all of Jefferson Co., Tenn. appoint John Strain of Augusta Co. to sell their part of land in Augusta Co. [signed] Richard Trotter, Agnes Trotter, Jane Strain, Agnes Strain.
Apparently this part of the family had, then, all moved to Jefferson Co., Tennessee; Allen had moved to Blount Co., next door to Jefferson Co.
Note that an Agnes Strain daughter of James Strain Sr. is noted here: who is she? Since this Nancy is designated by her middle name, I presume one of the daughters' middle names was Agnes—probably Nancy.
Another land record, Augusta Co., Virginia:
D. bk. 34, p. 257, Dec. 18, 1807: Richard Trotter & Agnes, Robert Strain, James Strain, & Agnes Strain all of the state of Tenn. by John Strain their attorney & John Strain & Nancy of Augusta to Isaac Yearout their parts of the estate of James Strain deceased, subject to dower of Agnes Strain their mother, who has since inter married with Richard Trotter, together with Robert Strain, Jane Strain & Agnes Strain children & heirs of James Strain - also another 1/8 part they purchased from their sister Polly Connelly's husband David Connelly. Polly is deceased, Arthur Connelly & James Strain Connelley infant children of Polly Connelly.