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- Who was his father? There are several Savage immigrants to the eastern shore of Virginia, but I've seen no good evidence of a line that leads to him.
In the February term 1834 court in Lewis Co., Kentucky, James' son Pleasant Marion made the following motion:
"The following writing was this day produced to the Court and on the motion of Pleasant M. Savage, the same is creded to be recorded and is as follows, to wit: The following persons are the only heirs of James P. Savage, deceased: Pleasant M. Savage, James Savage, John P. Savage, Francis Asbury Savage, Samuel P. Savage, William P. Savage, Mary Jane Johnson (late Mary Stout, the daughter and only child of Sally Stout, who was previous to her marriage Sally Savage and the daughter of the above-named James Savage, deceased) and James A. Frizzell, Alexander Frizzell, and Margaret Frizzell, children of Polly W. Frizzell, deceased, who was, previous to her marriage, Polly W. Savage and the daughter of the above-named James P. Savage, deceased.
"And the said statement being sworn to in open court by William Watkins a resident citizen of Lewis County who proved on oath that the above named persons are the only children & heirs and Representatives of the aforesaid James Savage Deceased . . ." (Noted in Ragan's History of Lewis Co. Kentucky).
Trees have named him without any evidence I can see the brother of John Savage V (1735-91), and the son of John Savage IV (1708-1750) who married Mary Stratton.
Kansas: A Cyclopedia contains an entry about a great-grandson that tells something about him as well:
"Harrison B. Savage, M.D., Galena, is a son of Dr. Charles Smith Savage and Elizabeth P. (Burgess) Savage. His father was born in Germantown, Mason county, Kentucky, Dec. 8, 1829, the son of James Phillips Savage and Sallie (Currens) Savage. James Phillips Savage was born in Virginia Jan. 16, 1792, a son of James and Mary (Phillips) Savage, both of whom were born in Virginia, whence they came to Kentucky at a very early date. The Savage family is of Welsh origin. The father of James Savage was a Revolutionary soldier. James Phillips Savage came to Kentucky with his widowed mother and, her eleven other children in 1799, in a covered wagon, and settled near Maysville, then called Limestone."
And this is from E. Polk. Johnson, A History of Kentucky and Kentuckians:
"Mrs. Williams is a daughter of John P. Savage, a son of James Savage, of Revolutionary fame, he having served throughout the entire struggle for independence. After the close of the war, in 1791, James Savage removed from Virginia to Kentucky, with his wife and children. Settlement was made at Poplar Flat, Lewis County, Kentucky, some fourteen miles above Maysville. There Mr. Savage improved a fine farm from the virgin wilderness and in those early pioneer days it was necessary to barricade the doors against the attacks of Indians. The old homestead is now owned by the fifth generation of his descendants and the old log cabin built by him in the early days is still a part of the family residence. A fact worthy of record here is that during the many years which have elapsed since the time of the immigration of James Savage to Kentucky not a single death occurred in the house from disease until a few years ago. James Savage continued to reside on his homestead during the remainder of his life, and prior to his death, through thrift and industry, he had accumulated a large property, owning at one time a great number of slaves. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Phillips, was a native Virginian and was descended from King Philip, of England. To Mr. and Mrs. James Savage were born eight children—six sons and two daughters."
—BTW, there has never been a King Philip of England. [5, 6, 7]